Life Coaching

Create The Life You Love with John Munn

Welcome! You are about to embark on a profound inner journey where significant improvements in every area of your life are possible.

You already have all you need to make these changes, but oftentimes it is helpful to have guidance along the way. Cue John. Sessions with John will provide you with a blueprint that will allow you to make deep, positive and meaningful changes. Through this process, you will not only learn to create and maintain a life that you absolutely love but you will also revolutionize your relationship with yourself and your confidence, leaving you feeling genuinely empowered.


Consciousness Education


Why work with me?

A question that I am often asked is: “I know working with a Coach might help me, but is it really worth all the money??”

I totally get it… I really do. I have asked myself the same question throughout my journey and here is my honest answer: “Can you really afford to not make the investment in yourself? If you take an honest look at your situation, you will most likely find that you are indirectly paying a higher price tag on your life than if you were working with a Coach. Are you paying in wasted time? A lack of direction and purpose? Maybe it is poor physical or mental health? Or possibly just general feelings of dissatisfaction and unhappiness?”

Remember, you are truly meant to thrive and become the very best version of yourself. You are meant to create and live the life you love. And I can help you achieve this!

Already had your free consultation and ready to enroll in sessions?

  • As your Coach, John promises the following…

    • I will provide you with independent, experienced, and objective advice in any and all areas of your life. Together, we can explore your career, relationships, health, income, life balance, overall well-being, etc.

    • I will be invested in your success without being attached to the emotions of your past story. This impartial perspective will help you to transcend issues that are holding you back from positive and sustainable change.

    • I will assist you in identifying what it is that you genuinely want so you are able to make true goals, objectives, and choices that are exactly right for you.

    • I will guide you in building an implementation plan, a strategy for taking aligned actions toward accomplishing your goals, tracking progress and milestones, and ultimately manifesting the change you want to see in your life.

    • I will teach you processes, strategies and tools that will support you over and over again throughout your journey and far beyond our coaching relationship.

    • I will help you remove any inner blocks, resistance or fears and replace them with a new “creative orientation” built on self-empowerment and self-compassion.

    • I will support you in staying focused on your goals, helping you identify and spot potential “blind spots”, and holding you accountable in showing up for yourself.

    • I will treat you like the super star that you are. Think about it… all top performers invest in personal coaches to help maximize their potential. Athletes, politicians, celebrities, top business executives, etc... Why not you?

    • You desire to discover and embrace your life purpose

    • You are searching for direction and meaning on a day-to-day basis

    • You would like to achieve new levels of focus, discipline and follow-through

    • You yearn to transcend self-imposed limitations and fulfill your true potential

    • You want to stop debilitating and self-sabotaging behaviors that are holding you back

    • You are curious about "The Law of Attraction" and would like to know more

    • You are interested in learning different methods and tools that can be used beyond sessions

    • You are looking to increase your overall levels of joy, fun and satisfaction in your life!

    • Improvements in your inner wellness, life balance and emotional wellbeing

    • Improvements in your physical and mental health including a reduction in stress/anxiety

    • Improvements in your primary inter-personal relationships

    • Improvements in your career, money and finances

How do sessions work?

First, book a FREE consultation! This will give you and John the opportunity to chat about how sessions can specifically support you on your journey.


During sessions, John will guide you into a calm and relaxed state in which you will be able to access your Higher Self, your internal levels of Higher Consciousness and your heart-based intuition. From this sacred space, you and John will work together to discover, identify and target the “true choices, goals and conditions” that you wish to manifest and achieve.

Once your true choices and goals are established, John will lead you through the process of gently yet effectively removing inner blocks, fears, resistance or self-doubt that may be preventing you from moving forward in your life's journey. Finally, using methods that are on the very leading-edge of "The Law of Attraction" John will assist you in obtaining the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual improvements you most deeply desire.

These steps are achieved with powerful methods of meditation and visualization along with other techniques. John's unique ability to connect with the energy of others also allows him to ask questions of his clients that evoke tremendous clarity and perspective shifts.

Already had your free consultation and ready to enroll in sessions?

What people are saying about John…


“I really enjoyed how John got me into my inner heart space and taught me how to access inner peace on command. ”

— Jim M.

“I got clear on what I want and learned how to attract those things into my life… I always left sessions feeling lighter and happier.”

— Alex R.