A Meditation for Inner Peace and Calm

Make a commitment to yourself, to introduce this 10-15 minute practice every day into your daily routine for at least 30 days. In the beginning, you may want to set a quiet timer to go off at whatever time you feel is enough for you.

  • Sit down and get into your quiet space. Start by closing your eyes and bringing your awareness to your heart space and breath. Then gently let your awareness follow your breath.

  • After a few minutes of resting in this place, silently and ever so gently say to yourself

    “I surrender my thoughts”

    “I surrender my thinking-ness”

    “I surrender my opinions”

    “I surrender my judgments"

  • Then simply stay in this beautiful place and continue to follow your breath.

  • When you feel you are done, or your timer goes off, simply bring your awareness back into the room you in. Gently become aware of your body, your fingers, your toes. Offer your silent love and heartfelt gratitude for the healing energy you have received, and when you are ready, open your eyes.

Tip: If thoughts come, do not engage them, simply let them drift away like wispy clouds off to the horizon.


An Exercise to Connect with Divinity


A Meditation for Honest Self-Assessment