Free-Writing for Finding Purpose

It is important to recognize and honor the desire to find purpose in your life. If this desire is arising in you, take it seriously and make a commitment to pursue it. This Tool for Wellness encourages you to take a creative approach.

  • After your morning meditation get out a pen and paper and prepare to let your creative juices flow.

  • Allow yourself to release a stream of consciousness onto the page based on the following questions: What do I really want to be doing in my life? How do I want to be feeling? How do I want to be contributing?

  • As you move through each of these questions try to be as honest, passionate and creative as you are able to be.

  • Pay attention to how it feels to deeply care. From that space, ask yourself a follow-up question and free-write again: What would the consequences of not pursuing these desires be?

  • With weekly (or daily!) practice you will start to discover clarity. Clarity will provide new homework: Learn. Research your desires. Find people who have walked the path before you. Write this down.

  • Finally, hold yourself accountable. Get your goals down on paper and make a timeline. Whenever you are feeling lost, return back to your initial questions. You can do this!


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